Celebrate the profound beauty of nature's gifts with reverence, for within her embrace lies boundless wisdom. Here, every soul finds its sanctuary - an ideal haven for growth, transformation, and the art of becoming."

— Aurora Vale —

Our process begins with a simple initial contact. It is as simple as getting in touch. During this initial exchange, we provide personal guidance to help you locate where you are in life, to discern your current life position, identify transformative goals, and explore the vast horizon of possibilities. Whether you are in need of detoxification, a focus on physical well-being, or seeking support after an experience with consciousness-expanding medicine, we collaboratively examine all your options. If we cannot directly provide what you seek or require at the moment, we will guide you to suitable resources.

Our range of activities and workshops is crafted to elevate your well-being. Whether you choose to engage in the healing power of Kambo therapy or explore the mystical realms with the medicine of the Mexican desert. We also extend our commitment beyond the immediate offering personalised support through our micro-dosing programs and a comprehensive, long-term psychedelic integration program. These programs are facilitated by approved psychologists, chartered counsellors, and experts skilled in integrating experiences following the conscious use of entheogenic substances. Our various workshops with plants medicine are designed to suit your evolutionary needs, whether you are just beginning your journey or seeking to deepen your introspection. Recognizing that not all workshops align with your specific evolutionary moment, we emphasize the importance of discussing and understanding your current state and needs.

The cost associated to our workshops will be subjected to a donation. This recognises the absolute need to transcend outdated systems of individuality and competition, fostering new human connections that contribute to the natural flow of give-and-take in all aspects of life. By participating in a workshop, you actively engage in sharing, connecting, and relating as part of one global family, consciously supporting each other's expression of life and acknowledging your role in the broader existence. Check here how you will contribute to the greater good.

Kambo Healing Therapy

Kambo, also known as the "frog medicine" or "sapo," is a traditional healing ritual originating from the Amazon rainforest, particularly practiced by indigenous tribes. The ceremony involves the application of the secretions from the skin of the giant monkey tree frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor) which contains various bioactive peptides that can induce strong physical and purgative effects.

Kambo is recognized as a purifying ritual with wide-ranging benefits. Beyond its role as a "primarily physical remedy," substantiated research supports its effectiveness in addressing conditions like depression, chronic pain, and immune system-related issues. Kambo's impact extends beyond the physical, encompassing emotional and spiritual well-being, enhancing the immune system, and alleviating various physical ailments. It serves as a comprehensive approach to well-being, rooted in both tradition and scientific evidence. Additionnally, Kambo has a considerable impact on the emotional level, unlocking and penetrating through various layers to unveil deeply buried emotions and trauma, thereby enabling an important process of emotional healing and transformation.

Energetically, Kambo balances the body's energy systems, clearing blockages and promoting the flow of vital energy, restoring well-being and vitality. Spiritually, individuals receive precisely what their soul needs in this evolutionary moment. Some undergo the release of negative energy or toxins from their bodies, experiencing a sense of purification and cleansing. This spiritual journey may also foster a profound connection to nature's wisdom, accompanied by heightened awareness, increased sharpness in perception, and enhanced concentration. Explore the specifics of our Kambo workshop by continuing your reading.

The God Molecule : Connecting to Cosmic Union

Bufo Alvarius, the toad medicine, cosmic union, love, duality

Attempting to articulate the transformative outcomes of the dissolution of dualistic thinking, the fusion with cosmic infinity, the simultaneous embodiment of everything and nothingness, the universe's first breath or the source of all existence remains a challenge that defies words.

No words can adequately capture the spiritual and mystical profundity of this experience, this perhaps suggests that it is best approached through personal journeys, also recognizing that each individual soul undergoes a distinct and perfectly tailored transformative process aligned with its unique evolution.

Discover more about our workshops through our testimonials. Please be advised that our workshop may not be accessible in all countries. Reach out for information.

Our Micro-dosing Program

Microdosing is another tool at our disposal on our path for inner transformation. It involves regularly consuming sub-perceptual doses of consciousness-expanding substances, often described as a subtly transformative experience. In this practice, the mind is gently nudged into a heightened state of creativity, focus, and emotional resilience. Reasons and motivations for microdosing vary from person to person, encompassing a spectrum of objectives, including cultivating emotional equilibrium, fostering mindfulness, and nurturing spiritual development.

The process allows individuals to maintain their daily routines while experiencing a subtle shift in perception and mood, with reports of increased productivity and enhanced problem-solving abilities. Some even attribute profound insights into their own psyche. While the scientific community is still exploring the long-term effects, micro-dosing has sparked intriguing conversations about the potential of psychedelics to positively influence mental well-being and cognitive function in a controlled and measured manner.

From our perspective, when approached with thorough preparation, clear intention, and meticulous integration, micro-dosing can significantly support and accelerate our journey of awakening and healing. Like all introspective experiences, the responsibility lies with us to diligently integrate the insights gained into our daily practices.

How can I effectively determine the right process for me ?

There are various micro-dosing protocols, yet the most effective one for you is the one that aligns with your unique needs. Protocols differ in dosages, schedules, and substances used. Through our consultative process, we will explore your requirements and identify the best-fit protocol, creating a customized approach tailored to your individual journey. An integral part of this process involves mindfully observing your emotions and thoughts, facilitating profound reflection on the transformations experienced. Comprehensive guidance will be provided throughout each program.

Integration Psychotherapy

Navigating the aftermath of an intense retreat or workshop can resemble a roller coaster ride, marked by ups and downs about the changes that have unfolded. It's crucial to recognize that the journey of self-discovery and transformation extends far beyond the workshop or retreat's conclusion.

Integration is an intensely personal endeavour, constituting the most vital aspect of inner transformation. It demands time, patience, and self-reflection to pave the way for lasting changes. When we understand that the path is the goal itself, transformation unfolds organically. The specific form your journey takes will depend on your unique internal makeup.

Integrating these learnings may necessitate varied approaches to reconstruct the puzzle of one's experiences into a coherent and holistic picture. To support you during this integration phase, we offer personalised support and practical tips that you can implement at your own pace. These steps serve as a foundation, adaptable as you gather more insights and pieces of your personal puzzle, offering a tangible and practical approach to your ongoing transformation.

If you desire extended psychotherapeutic assistance from qualified therapists, we suggest seeking the expertise of these professionals in consciousness-expanding medicines. Their expertise and knowledge can guide you through a tailored approach elevating and enriching your inner journey.

Psychology, integrative psychotherapy, coaching, psychedelic integration, inner journey, support, interpersonal therapy

Reciprocity : Protection of the Earth

Every year, thousands of people embark on retreats where sacred medicine is shared. The majority leave with profound inner revelations, with some undergoing transformative experiences, altering their lifestyle habits, making career changes, and many gain insights into their behaviours, their relationships, often unearthing conditioning and patterns hindering their true life path, striving for a positive and fulfilling existence.

However, guiding these transformative journeys comes with significant risk. Guides and organising teams often face challenges with authorities, leading to serious consequences.

It's imperative that we raise our voices to ensure the ongoing sharing of this medicine's wonderful healing potential. Equally vital is the preservation of territories, traditions, and ancestral indigenous wisdom for future generations. It is thus essential for us to incorporate an element of reciprocity to the Earth in all our events. Note that a  

To support this cause, our team is deeply involved in projects aiming at safeguarding the territories where these medicines flourish. In an effort to support our guide’s work, we've established a fund where anyone can participate. Any contribution will be wisely used and will mean a lot for the Communities supporting this path. 

More on the Protection of the Earth.